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lawn care in massachusetts

Questionwhat do you think of me using just ringer lawn restorer and lime as my only source for lawn fertilizer AnswerI havent used the Ringer brand before, but I like what Ive read and heard. Its a well bala

Bermudagrass eradication & repair???

QuestionQUESTION: Sir, I live in coastal Md. My tall fescue lawn is about 30% overrun with that wiry bermudagrass. Should I kill off the entire yard before reseeding? If I spot kill, must I then dig out the dead gra

Help! Lawn Fix Nightmare!

QuestionIve been renovating my friends new garden and all I have left to do is THE LAWN. However, it is in VERY poor condition (infested with moss, creeping buttercup, couch grass and other vociferous weeds); it is

spring lawn care

QuestionI live in southeast Wisconsin. A local lawn care company applied pre-emergent crabgrass control along with fertilizer this week. There were still a lot of dead leaves on a large area. Was it a waste to ferti

black lawn

Questionmy whole lawn is turning black and if you rack it you just have dirt also it looks like there is a lot of worm holes also can you help me???? Answer This black that you see; is it that the green blades of g

what fertilizer to use

QuestionWhat numbers do you recommend for the beginning of spring? Is 16-16-16 better than 29-1-4? AnswerNot necessarily. If those are the only options you are offering, Id do the 29-1-4 at about 3 1/2 lbs o

Resodding a St. Augustine Lawn

QuestionI have large patches (+100 sq.ft) of my St. Augustine lawn that has been invaded by weeds and carpet grass. I would like to resod those patches but am not sure the steps to take. Should I kill off everything

Lawn killing moss

QuestionI have moss on my lawn and when I started to rake the old grass and moss, everything came up and brought it down to the topsoil. I seeded this last year and everything died. How can I treat my la

Growing grass in sandy soil

QuestionI live in S. FL and have a riduculously dirty, sandy lawn. The grass (when it grows) is very rough and with many pricker weeds in between. My husband and I want to eliminate this mess and start fresh but don

St Augustne Grass Problems

QuestionBackground. Orlando Fl, St Augustine Grass Brown patches, dead areas of grass, weeds. 3/15/09 Put down Sunniland for chinch bugs and Spectracide within 2 weeks of each other. Also Scotts Bonus S

St Augustine Grass Problems

QuestionBackground. Orlando Fl, St Augustine Grass Brown patches, dead areas of grass, weeds. 3/15/09 Put down Sunniland for chinch bugs and Spectracide within 2 weeks of each other. Also Scotts Bonus S

When is the perfect time to apply Pre-emergent herbicide in Rhode Island

Question lawn Rhode Island I moved from a tropical country to Rhode Island last summer and our lawn was a mess full of all sorts of weeds, mostly dominated by crabgrass. On late September I decide on ripping o

burmuda grass-Lubbock, Tx

QuestionHi, how often should I water my bermuda grass here in Lubbock, Tx and how much water. 2. When sould I fertilize and what kind of lawn fertiler, thanks, Pete. Answer Watering your lawn may have more to

Weed control in Centipede lawns

QuestionI read that spreading sugar, alfalfa meal and lava sand. will control weeds in an established centipede lawns. I also have problems with red fire ants as well. Will the sugar help the weeds and feed th

Weeds in North Texas lawn

QuestionI am starting my spring lawn.I have primarily bermuda grass,i keep it pretty short but my lawn is crawling with weeds that i feel are choking out the grass.what looks to be green grass when short is actually

Grass not growing properly

QuestionI really know nothing about gardening but have started to take an interest.I have a problem with the grass not growing in my yard. The ground is very hard and there is a bit of gravel or building material ,

sunken area in yard

QuestionI am a landscape designer and redoing a back yard with beds and plants ect. There is a sunken area though all along the fence line, what can I do about it to build it up? Answer It has been a long time sinc

Grub damage and Lawn re-establishment

QuestionMy Mid Coast Maine Lawn was hammered last year from grub infestation. After reading several posts, I realize I must apply a grub control formula sometime in June or July. In the meantime, when should

fertilizer on flowers

QuestionI recently laid out scotts weed and feed on my lawn and i accidently spread some over some newly planted morning glory flowers and they died. My question is was that the reason they have died? If

Killing weeds and old grass for new sod

QuestionHi. I live in Central Tx. I recently bought a house without grass in the backyard. But it seems that weeds and the old grass (perhaps crab grass) is creeping and growing. It is heavy taking over about 90% of

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