Can Fescue and grasses co-exist in a NW Arkansas lawn
QuestionI live in NW Arkansas (the dreaded transition zone). Our builder laid Bermuda grass sod. There are several things I dont like about Bermuda. It is slow to green up in the spring, it send
QuestionQUESTION: please help,i have a fare sized garden and the problem is lots of moss, is there any way i can get rid of it for good without taking my whole lawn up. ANSWER: Moss is associated with moistur
QuestionQUESTION: 60% of my lawn is destroyed by Mold & Fungus. It started near tree line, where it stays moist. How to stop the mold from growing any further? What we should do to have green lawn? ANSWER: Hi
small holes in lawn near house
Questioni found small maybe 1 inch holes around the outside of my house in the backyard. I live in Florida and have never seen anything like this. The area is sand and i do have as many people here do have a problem
Questioni want to remove grass and put rose plants and shrubs and decorative pebbles into a 4 x 4 m area. whats the best way to do it? it has grass and weeds at present Answer You can spray a non selective weedkill
misapplication of crabgrass preventer
QuestionA week ago, I applied a crabgrass preventer/lawn food (K-gro) product to my yard. I wasnt paying careful attention at first to notice that the part that regulates the flow of material was broken, and I
QuestionI have a very long 70ft by 4ft garden on the side of my house. There is a whole mid section that has been riddled with some kind of dense hay type grass. It is preventing other flowers from growing there and
Problem lawn with hill and large dog
QuestionI live in Northern VA with a large amount of tree cover. The back yard is about 15 feet deep from the house to a line of mulched plants and the beginning of a wooded area. This 15 feet contains a
QuestionGot St. augustine sod laid about a month ago. Seems to be alot of dead grass/thatch from last years growth. Grass seems to be growing fine except for a few areas that the thatch seems to be stron
QuestionI live in north TX near Dallas. Ive been using Scotts Bonus S on my lawn for several years with pretty good results. I still have a 1/2 bag of Bonus S in my garage from last spring and like every
Overseeding in the spring in Ohio
QuestionIs it to late to overseed? And what order should i go about it? Dethatch, aerate, fertilize, then seed? Also when i tried to rake the shade aeras hugh clumps of grass had formed green moss and came right out
Questionmy wife acquired a black lab about 2 years ago. his urinating in the yard has killed my grass. is there anything i can do?i water the yard often. Answer Dilution is a good idea but how practical, I do not k
QuestionIf you put the sugar on the lawn to enrich the soil, wont that bring ants? Answer Not only ants but bees and other insects. Sugar is applied to provide a nutrient solution for beneficial bacteria to inhabit
QuestionHi, I live in southwest Ohio and had my yard torn up and added top soil and seeded and srawed last fall (Oct 08). My neighbor tells me I should rake the straw out now that the grass is about an inch high to
QuestionHow am I supposed to water 2 acres to keep my grass seed moist? Even with an automatic sprayer, this would be impossible to keep the entire area moist. AnswerHi Jim, Im not sure what to tell you. If you ar
QuestionHi- I have been asked to bid on mowing a commercial account. Its size is between 2-3 acres, no trees or trimming needed just an open lawn area. I dont know what would be a reasonable bid range for such an ac
QuestionWhat can you use on centipede to get rid of Poa sometimes called annual bluegrass? When can you use it. Some products say not to use when dormant or when greening up. Thanks AnswerIf your lawn is prim
QuestionHello,I have a couple of problem spots in my lawn. Last year I rehabed a large area of lawn that is on a slope and now it has large areas of moss. It gets good sun but I need to know how to alleviate this pr
QuestionHi there! In the early 80s, the previous owners of our house leveled out the backyard with fill and built an addition. We moved in 2.5 years ago, cut the massive tree down last summer, and are ready to lands
QuestionAre the weed killers used by for hire landscape companies stronger then what I can purchase at my local Home Depot? I am on disability, love to work in my yard, but the lawn is loaded with weeds. I have spra
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