QuestionHow do I kill torpedo grass? I have it in zoysia grass ,azaleas, roses and around crape myrtles. Answer Fluazifop is a chemical that will kill true grasses like torpedo grass (Panicum repens) and not harm m
QuestionLast year I got two large dogs and they have destroyed a section of my lawn where they play and roughhouse the most. I was thinking about putting up a barrier around the bare area and re-seed. Any suggestion
QuestionQUESTION: We built a house in Aug 08, tilling the back yard and planting rye grass for an initial support until we can figure out what to plant permanently this Spring (any suggestions? We are in South
How to stop various types of weeds from growing
QuestionHi CJ, every spring I get all these different types of weeds growing in my front and backyards. How do I stop them from coming back year after year with so little effort and money. I live in Louisiana. Also,
QuestionIs there a product out there which I could spray on my onion grass to get rid of it? Sincerely, Ron Answer This is the first time I have heard about onion grass and all the references about it seem to come
QuestionWe have had this problem with our grass turning yellow in areas right after green up. so we started using chem lawn co. hoping that they would be able to get it under control. this started about 4 yrs ago an
QuestionQUESTION: HI, I live in Raleigh, NC. A rather warm climate in the summer. When should I aerate my lawn? In the spring or fall? How many times a year should I aerate? Thanks, Sean ANSWER: I usually prefer
QuestionI have a nice Zoysia back lawn, but right now, I have patches of blue grass, tons of onion sprouts and a green hue of some other type of weed. First, can I put a a grass kille on the blue grass withoug ruini
When is the earliest i can seed a new lawn?
QuestionHi, We just filled in a large area behind our house in Western Mass. that was a swail in order to level off for a wedding this June. I was wondering when the earliest we could spread seed is to allow enough
QuestionWe live in Chicago and have a nice size yard. 3 years ago when we move din we had sod laid all over - the first year it was all beautiful - the second year the side yard didnt come back very well at all and
QuestionI am reading up on how to convert to an organic lawn. The sugar referred to for use in organic lawn is that regular sugar and where can you find the corn gluten? Thanks for your help. Answer Brown sugar is
QuestionQUESTION: I live in Columbia, SC and have a St Augustine lawn. Many weed products for southern lawns are for St Augustine turf, but say do not use on Floratam. How can I identify the variety that
QuestionId like to take an organic approach to feeding my lawn up here in Boston, MA. What do you suggest? What can I expect from not using fertilizers containing pesticides? Will my lawn look the
QuestionHow do I know if the brown spots on my St. Augustine grass are chinch bugs or fungus? Thanks, Michelle (Sarasota) Answer You can eliminate bugs by doing a 2x2x2 soap flush on random spots on the lawn.
QuestionI have a very large maple tree on my front lawn that provides wonderful shade but does not allow the grass to grow. Over the years I have tried re-sodding and re-seeding with no success. Nearly all of the gr
QuestionQUESTION: I have a fairly new front yard. A couple of yrs old, I have runners all over my yard and they are at the top, and visable. I water 3 times a week and fertalize every 3 months. I mow twi
Questionmy grass is rotten in my yard. You can just reach down and pick it up without even pulling on it. My whole yard is like this. A landscaping company has spread it for grubs and earthworms an
QuestionLocated in dallas texas and I have a dead grass problem on front edge of lawn. I thought because of tree trimming the sun might have burned it, but not sure. Right on the front edge by sidewalk a
Questioni live in anderson, sc, and read answer to weed control using organic method of improving soil, etc. can you tell me how you do this in an established lawn? right now, mar. 18, it is purple with those pesky
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