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Bald Spots on Lawn

QuestionIs lime good to go on bald spots on your lawn? AnswerHi Linda; Lime is if your soil is too acid. Bare spots are caused by a lot of things. It can be not enough sun on that part of the lawn to grow grass, or

Bermuda Tiff

QuestionMy husband and I finally put down the squares of Bermuda Tiff that we have talked about, so well see how it works. Of course I thought about a couple more questions (cant promise its the last ones). &n

Weeds and crabgrass

QuestionI live in Wilmington, NC. Last year I soded the lawn in March with centipede and it looked great all year. This year nothing but weeds and crabgrass grew. I weeded and took up the large por

Fertilizing my lawn

QuestionI have two 20 lbs bags of fertilizer. Each bag covers 5,000 square feet. The bag tells me to use setting 5 for my particular spreader (to cover 5,000 sq ft). My spreader holds 10,000 sq ft of fer

centepede lawns

QuestionQUESTION: I have a centipede lawn.....I sowed centipede seed back in mid 78 when it was a new lawn......We have problems year after year, it has bare spots, we sod in the spots and they come back again year

grass selections

QuestionWe have moved from Kansas to a retirement community on the Gulf of Florida, do you have any recommendations as to grass types we should pick? There are local people who are giving advise but I was hoping to

Grass lawn problems with clay soil

QuestionMy overall grass is starting to deteroriate due runoff from a slopeslide lawn, the grass seems to be crab grassy in nature which doesnt help. Also, there seems to an abundant amount of moss starting to grow

bermuda grass-brown spots

QuestionI have been reading your info and think I may have fungus in my bermuda. What concentration should I use to spray with baking soda and what type of sprayer? Should the baking soda be used at the

Organic/sugar weed treatment

QuestionI read your answer to someones question about weed killers and was curious how you apply the sugar to the lawn? Do you mix with water and spray, and if so how much per gallon? Or do you just dump the grannua

lawn care/weeds

QuestionCharlotte: I;ve read your answers to people about the sugar and corn gluten meal. Do you just apply sugar to the lawn?? and just twice a year or is there a pre-something that needs to be done???

is lime considered organic?

QuestionHi, My parents have recently retired and began trekking the country in an RV, it抯 great for them - but I find myself having to care for their lawn and garden for the first time in my life and I have very lit

how do I get rid of onion weeds?

QuestionHi, There is some sort of weed in my front lawn that looks like green onions sprouts. If I follow your organic lawn care tips and the lawn becomes healthy, will it starve these weeds or do I need to pick the

proper use of sugar?

QuestionHi, Should I feed the garden sections of my yard with sugar (and corn gluten meal or alfalfa meal) or only the lawn sections? Also, you say that you water after applying the sugar. Can I spread the sugar jus

patchey, easily burned lawn

QuestionHello Charlotte, When our house was built about 9 years ago the top soil was scraped off during building and then respread when construction was finished. Our soil type is sandy loam, and we are in Battle Cr

Organic solutiion

QuestionHi Charlotte, I live in Plano and saw your wonderful organic solution here. I just have one question about your solution: does sugar attract ants to your yard? Thanks. AnswerHi Harrison; Nope, because you w

9 year old sod lawn

QuestionDear Charlotte: I am too new to the organic lawn concept to take in all the wonderful advice you have given to others, and make it apply to my situation. So please forgive me for taking up your time!!

desperate! for lawn help

QuestionI live in Dallas in the White Rock Lake Area. Our lawn is just getting worse! I have noticed grub worms, snails, and pill bugs. As for weeds...clover!, crabgrass, and some weed that has taken over that bloom

Help my grass grow

QuestionI live in the Midwest. My lawn is around 11 years old. Right now my grass is green, however, it doesnt seem to be growing. I have put the first bag of fertilizer on a few weeks ago. A




QuestionWhat can I do to get rid of one single fat little mouse that has eaten a foot wide strip around my back yard. I have sprinkled rat poison in the dining areas but that doesnt seem to bother it. I

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