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Sugar and Winter Rye

QuestionI just fed my lawn sugar about 3 weeks ago, right before it rained heavily. How long before I should see results? I have Bermuda grass and it still looks dormant. Also, I was wanting to lay

What is the Cation Exchange Capacity on my soil report

QuestionQUESTION: After reading your blogs, I had a soil test done last October in our new house. I was not sure what I was going to do with it when I got it but it seemed like a good idea to get the report anyway.

growing a lawn in all sand 14 acers all sugar sand.

Questionlook my property is no joke, my entire property iscovered with sand five to ten feet deep, so I dont have a choice as to what type of soil it is going to be. is there any grass that will grow on my pro

GA Bermuda Grass

QuestionI have a one year old Bermuda Sod lawn. I am looking to use organic pre-emergents and other weed/fertilizers. What can you suggest? AnswerFirst things first: Get out the Corn Gluten Meal asap an

1 year old lawn

QuestionQUESTION: Hi Long Island Gardener: I received my soil analysis. Any fertilizer recommendations, application recommendations, etc? From the soil analysis I am beginning to see what you mean by homework.  

Hydrated or pellet lime

QuestionWe used chicken poop for fertilizer a couple of years ago and WOW do we have nightcrawlers 1/3 of an acre. They came from everywhere. Although Sevin seems to be an answer, it seems that hydrated

Muddy Lawn

QuestionI live in western Canada. The snow is melting and my front yard is turning into mud. Particularly, in front of the front steps and along the drive way. This area barely grows any grass. Last summer it was al

weeds in Dallas in St. Augustine grass

QuestionHow do I get the Dallas grass to stop growing in my St. Augustine? I have tried Scotts Bonus S, but it isnt doing the trick. Also, how do I keep weeds from growing in the winter? This year there was a lot of

Dog Pee

QuestionWe have an older female dog that peed outscide all winter and some in Spring. I noticed that the spots that she peed in were yellow. After doing some research I figured that she cant pee out in the lawn anym

does the sugar attract ants in the grass?

QuestionDoes sugar attract ants when using in to fertilize? I have a lot of fire ants here in the south. AnswerHi Kelly; the sugar doesnt attract anything, because you water it in. The best remedy for fire ants is

warm season grass

QuestionHi, I live in the Southern part of Kansas and I am interested in switching to organic lawn care. I have had it with my lawn service company. When we moved in 7 years ago we had wonderful thick gr

lawn cover

Questioni would like to know if there is a fast growing ground cover that could be put on a front lawn that will look nice and keep us from having to mow so often- preferably not to have to mow at all, but a low lyi

Corn Gluten Meal

QuestionI live near St. George, Utah. Where can I purchase Corn Gluten Meal? Thank you AnswerUtah does not have the wide distribution we would love to see of these CGM products at garden centers and specialis

lawn care-grass growing/weed removal

QuestionHi Long Island Gardner, We live in PA and have a lawn that is thin and has a variety of weeds in it. I contacted a lawn company but am concerned about all of the chemicals plus the cost quoted to do just the

Bare Sections Without Grass

QuestionWe have a few old trees in our yard and there is no grass growing there. Can you give us advise about what to do about these bare dirt sections? AnswerMy friend, grass is never going to thrive in the

Are these products bad for the lawn.

QuestionI just started trying to go the all natural way with my lawn.After my husband has insisted using chemicals.I have used the Jerry baker approach half handedly the past two years. My lawn has gotten better but

What do i do with new SODS?

QuestionQUESTION: We put new sods about a week and a half ago, and a lil part has died. it turned out yellow and dried looking. 1. Whats the reason for that when weve been watering it? 2.Is it okay to replace it wi

Type of grass to plant.....

QuestionQUESTION: I am looking for recommendations for the best type of grass to plant in the backyard this spring, where my large dogs have practically ruined it. When we had one dog it wasnt too bad, but we adopte

clay lawn

QuestionHi Charlotte: I am going to take your advice + try sugar! Just a quick question...how many minutes of watering to water it in with a sprinkler? Lynn AnswerHi Lynn; Dont know.LOL Here is the way I wa

mowing and crab grass prevention

QuestionI overseeded in the fall. I see young grass, clumps of grass, broadleaf, crab grass sprouting up. My question is, should I mow, apply the crab grass preventer/pre-emergent before a heavy rain (s

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