QuestionI planted peppers, eggplants and a nice array of other veggies and spent over 200$ worth of organic seeds and equipment. Over the course of two days, all the plants have holes in them and I think I saw flea beetles jumping on them. So I made a mixture of garlic, oil, cayenne pepper and a tsp of soap detergent and it seemed to work, but today the bugs are back and my plants are more dead than alive! My neighbors say to use ''Sevin'' but what is the purpose of organic gardening if I must resort to chemicals! I am to my wit's end and might end up buying it since if they die I will end up buying veggies that are of course sprayed with chemicals in the first place.. oh I am so mad! I think organic gardening is almost impossible today with all these hungry pests around.. years ago I was able to grow stuff with no chemicals, I guess those days are over! Any other ideas or must i go the chemical route? I read the label of Sevin and was shocked on how you must change your clothes, wear protective eye wear and a hat to protect yourself! Its ridiculous and wonder how people sane of mind would use that!
Answer....flea beetles will die if you use Rotenone (an organic pesticide) but so will bees and other beneficial insects. It is a powder. Sprinkle it on the plants at dusk, and leave it on all night...Sprinkle it on the flea beetles....we once had black puddles of them in our paths. Be sure to rinse it off in the very early morning before bees are out.
Organic gardening is easy, once you get it all right. For some inspiration and tips visit our website:
Look under the categories: "Soil Building", "composting", and "Companion Planting". 90% of your success depends on the health of your soil. If the conditions are right, you will have strong and healthy plants that are more able to withstand insect attacks.
Mulch is the next important thing, it will keep the roots cool, conserve water, and provide food for worms who will make fertilizer for you.
For severe insect problems, resort to Rotenone. But please use it at night. Other pests can be dealt with also. Planet Natural and Harmony Farm Supply are good sources of information about pests and organic controls.
Do not give up. There is a learning curve.... !