QuestionI was thrilled to find your reference to epsom salt and pepper plants. I am
very new to vegetable gardening and my very sweet elderly neighbor gave me
a bit of epsom salt and I wasn't sure about quantity to use. Your spray bottle
tip sounds helpful, my blossoms are yet to turn to peppers. What is the ratio
to use salt to water? Glad to find this site - I look forward to hearing from
you. thank you! Debbie
AnswerDear Debbie:
Glad you like the site!! The recipe for the pepper spray is:
In a gallon bucket mix water and one tablespoon of Epsom salt. Make certain the Epsom salt completely dissolves. Wait until the pepper plants are in the blooming stage. Spray them with a good dose of the Epsom salt and water mixture. Your pepper plants will drink up the magnesium that is in the Epsom salt.
Approximately ten days later, you will need to repeat the process. Again spray the pepper plants with the solution of Epsom salt and water.
Thanks for the reminder...I need to give my pepper plants a good dose of the above tonic.
Good luck with your vegetable gardening...and have a wonderful summer.
Best Regards,
Mack Jean
Master Gardener