QuestionHow do I get rid of grubworms in my flower bed - without killing earthworms or other beneficial insects?
AnswerMake a healthy enviornment for lizards, grass snakes and toads, and the grub worm problem will go away.
I used to have grubs really bad, till i went to organics, no problem with them since.
I am not sure which critter it is that eats grubs, but i have all three, and i don't have grubs, aphids, army worms or any of those awful things.
Insecticiede, weedkillers and chemical fertilizers kill those beneficial predators, as well as the millions of good insects that eat the few bad insects.
Insecticides kill several varieties of harmful insects, but for every few species of bad insects, there are humdreds of beneficial insects that get killed.
Chemical fertilizers, weed killers and insecticides are the worsy enemy a gardener has.
The do little good, and a mountain of harm.