QuestionBR, 09/12/05
Well Sir,I'd like to know about organic ag in Israel,main cultures,regions,associations etc.
I am particularly interested in certified organic cotton prodution in the country, if any.
In advance I thank you for your time and attention. Yours sincerely,
Maur韈io T. Rocha
Copy and paste the above into your browser address area. It is a list of organic cotton growers in the united states.
Copy and paste the above into your browser address area, it is the result of a google search for "usa organic cotton growers".
I would suggest that you do searches for organic cotton growers at yahoo, or msn as well, or any other search engines you may have access to.
Good luck!
In Israel:
Do a specific search for "organic cotton growers in Israel"
and do a specific search for "organic agriculture in Israel"