Under the microscope
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QUESTION: I have just returned form a week vacation and i found these in my bathroom. When I approached them they jumped about 6 to 8 inches. They don't look like fleas and I don't have any pets. I do have very little carpet in my condo. It has been very humid these days but it has been humid also other summers and never saw those before. I took a picture of it under a microscope because my digital camera does not focus near enough to get a good picture. I also took a picture of it with a pen to give you a size perspective.
This looks more like a crustacean than an insect. Have you been to the beach/ocean lately? I can't see it clearly but this could be a "sand flea" which is a small crustacean that jumps. They occur near salt water and are very common on sandy beaches.
Jack DeAngelis
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Jack, thank you for the quick response. I have not been to a beach lately except in April Dominican Republic. I have just bought a dehumidifier and left it running while I was gone. Obviously when I came back it was full and had shut off automatically. It stayed off for probably 5 days. Could these be some kind of bugs that have grown because of the stagnant water in the tank? I have remove the dehumidifier last night and have not found any bug on my floor this morning.
Thank you
AnswerI doubt that the dehumidifier is the source. This one has me stumped because the close-up image just does not look like an insect. Can you get a picture that is a little less magnified so I can see the overall shape? I am sure they are not anything to be concerned about but it would be interesting to figure out what they are.
Jack DeAngelis