QUESTION: Can you identify these? I am nervous about what will come out of them. I live in central FL if that helps? I have several more pics, one of the parent? in a cocoon?? ugh.
ANSWER: Krista,
I can't tell from this image what these are. If you could post a clearer picture of an individual "pod" I may be able to help. If they appear to made from silk, I'd guess they are probably spider egg sacs. Also, indicate how large these are if you post a picture. Sorry I can't be more specific.
Jack DeAngelis
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
the main bug?
QUESTION: the pods are about the size of my thum nail,this photo is on the same branch but further down. I assume they are related.
AnswerThis looks more like a gall of some kind. Galls can be made by the plant itself or they can be induced by an insect or pathogen. You might want to google "galls + the common name[s] of your plant" and you may find pictures of this. Galls are generally not a cause for concern unless they are ones that cause plant disease.
Jack DeAngelis