QUESTION: Hello! I have been finding these little 6 legged bugs around, crawling on the
wall, crawling across our coffee table) they do not appear to fly thought they
walk fast. the are teardrop shaped and their bottoms are brown/black and their
upper body is tan. hey have long antennae. any idea? Just started seeing them -
it has just started to turn fall in NYC.
ANSWER: Renee,
This appears to be an immature cockroach (see for a picture of an immature cockroach). These are very common pests in apartment buildings. Post a follow up if you have questions.
Jack DeAngelis
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: thanks - thats kind of what I thought. Can you advise the best way to get rid of
them? We already put out a box of 10 food traps. Since then we have only seen
babies not adult cockroaches.
AnswerCockroaches are very difficult to control in multi-family building because they will come into your apartment from untreated areas of the building. Work with your landlord to improve building-wide control plus you could use professional-level baits (see for info) that will help.
Jack DeAngelis