QuestionHi Stephen,
I live in Orange County, California, a very urban area about 3 miles from the beach. We have a small vegetable garden that has been getting dug up some nights. There are many holes and some are narrow and about 2-3 inches deep while others are broader and not as deep. My husband thinks it is an animal that is rooting for grubs since it doesn't go after the veggies (although it will knock the veggies over while digging). We have opossum, a raccoon, and a few rats in the area.
Which of these animals dig like this? We really don't want to trap an animal but we do want to safeguard our garden. Is there an effective way to fence off the garden? Any other ideas?
Thanks so much for your time and help!
AnswerSounds like a skunk. Sure, an 18inch tall fence with 12 inch skirt a couple of inches below the surface should stop a skunk from getting over or digging under. Further details on
Electric fencing if legal in your are would also work. Frankly there is much to be said to just let them finish feeding. When the food is gone, they will be gone.