QuestionQUESTION: I live in the AZ desert on 3 acres. What I thought were cute little ground squirrels are now becoming aggressive and entering our fenced house yard. I haven't found a pic on the internet that looks like them. They have holes all over the property that they duck into. We have an aviary that is attracting them. How can I keep these critters at a distance? They are fun to watch playing with each other but I don't want them so close. Would the pellets or sprays used to detract cats and dogs from areas work?
Thanks for any information you can give.
ANSWER: Don't waste your time or money with repellents. They won't work.
I doubt you have woodchucks but you might. I am thinking you have some other ground squirrel. Since I don't know what you have, I can't be more specific on control advice. So I will have to direct you to our website. There is tons of info there, and its is all free.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: After researching further. I think we have Round Tailed Ground Squirrels.
You can visit to learn options on how to control this species.
Be sure to check your state laws as to whether lethal control is legal.
Arizona Game & Fish
Arizona Game & Fish
Urban Wildlife Specialist 602-942-3000