QuestionI have found littlebugs in my house. Someone said they are flea beetles and that raid would kill them. I have sprayed Raid and Konk, it seems to have thinned them out but they are still there. I do not have plants or pets. I do however have small children so I have to evacuate my house whenever I spray and then clean everything when we come back. Is there anything else I can do and will they continue breeding in my home or will they die off? We've had them for just under a week that I have been seeing them.
AnswerSounds like you may need to call a pest exterinator.They can ID the problem (there is a an insect called a flea beetle and ther is one called a flea or it maybe something different). To get a good control the pest must be Identified so you know waht you are dealing with and how best to control it. From the information you gave I can not ID the pest. They can use a product that will be safe for kids and still kill the problem. Sorry I could not be of much help.