QuestionI've been having a mouse in my house for the past few months that I just cannot seem to catch. I've tried everything: regular traps with food as a bait, glue traps, and poison. This seems to be "Mighty Mouse". I just don't know what to do anymore to get rid of this mouse. I've never actually seen him. But we hear him and when we walk into the room, he stops gnawing. Please help.
AnswerAre you certain it is a mouse? It may be a strange thing to say but shrews can look a lot like mice.
Second, are you certain the mouse is still alive?
Third, have you used enough traps? The biggest mistake people make in trying to trap mice is the failure to use enough traps. They often buy one or two when dozens should have been purchased.
Fourth, location of traps is critical. Visit http;// there will be information there on trapping mice. Look under guides.
Fifth, if the mouse in between the walls, setting traps in your living space won't work. There is a whole world between your walls. only if the population gets to sufficient height will mice leave the walls and enter your living space.