QuestionI have just planted like 70 hosta plants. my neighbors say that deer like to eat them. Is there any kind of mixture I can make up to spray on the hostas that will not harm the deer and not put toxins in the ground. I just need a formula of some sorts that I can make myself and spray or whatever around the plants.
thank you
AnswerControlling Deer damage
Controlling deer damage to plantings can be a complicated affair depending on your particular preferences. The gold standard solution is simply to construct a fence or encourage population reduction through the regular hunting season. Unfortunately, those methods arenˇt often used due to excessive regulations, finances, or unwillingness.
Rather than repeat a lot of information you can get elsewhere, I am going to refer you to a link which contains an adobe acrobat file that will give a thorough listing of your options. The authors of this document are national experts and the information you will be reading is backed up by hard research. I know one of the authors personally, as he is my boss. His name is Dr. Scott Hygnstrom of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. You can find other materials that may be a little easier to read at scroll down till you read the heading for deer.
Be sure to check with local laws before implementing the techniques.
Just one more thing, repellents don't always work the way people wish they would. In heavy pressure areas, deer may be forced to eat something that tastes bad so they won't die. When the choice is hunger vs. bad taste, hunger wins. Repellents work best when the deer can move to another location and eat their plants.
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