QUESTION: Hi Ms Melissa,
I guess you've seen pictures of my balcony. May I know if it's advisable to grow Murraya? I've grown Hibiscus and Four O'clock flower before but they always appear leggy and yellowy. Thanks.
ANSWER: Dear Alfredo, In general, Murraya prefers full sun but they can tolerate part shade, which is generally a light level below what you have, so I think it would grow fine in a bright corner of the balcony. If you get a dwarf variety of Murraya that would grow even better as it has the tendency to stay bushy, is often grown as a houseplant and it is a good plant material for bonsai. One thing also that may help, try to avoid high nitrogen fertilizers (ones with high first number) as they will increase the legginess of the plant. Look for fertilizers with a low first number and high middle number. Melissa
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Hi Ms Melissa,
Thanks for great advice! I'm also interested in Bulbophyllum orchids especially B. Vaginatum. Any suitable Bulbophyllum species/hybrids that do well and flower in my balcony?
AnswerDear Alfredo, You definitely need to try the Bulbophyllum vaginatum orchid. Since it is a native of Singapore it should be easy to obtain. Since this type of orchid is epiphytic and grows on tree branches, I would grow it attached to a board or branch as well. The only possible problem would be in slightly adjusting the light level - putting the plant in a brighter or dimmer spot - but since these orchids cover the trees pretty densely in the photos I looked at, I don't think it will be a problem. Most if not all of these species should grow well for you, although some are more difficult than others. Good luck, Melissa