Peace Lily
My Peace Lily, of which I've grown for about 6 months is experiencing yellowing & browning of leaves. I'm aware that yellowing could be caused by excess watering and over-fertilization. Hence, I've not fertilize the plant for months and only water when the leaves appear slightly droopy(till the water seeps out). I also kept it from direct sunlight. However, the problem still persist. I've attached some pictures for your examination. Thank you.
ANSWER: Alfredo:
You are correct, overwatering is one of the most common problems for houseplants. Eventhough you have cut back on the watering, the damage may have already been done. Suggest carefully removing plant from container and looking at the status of the roots. Look for dark brown to black roots and roots that crumble to the touch. These are signs of a significant root issue. Also check to see if the plant has become root bound in the container.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Thanks for great advice! Would it be advisable to trim off the damaged root? Could lack of sunlight be an issue?what kind of soil is reccomended?
Did you have the opportunity to check the condition of the root system? You can certainly remove any discolored/obviously dead portions- just be careful not to remove the healthy portions.
Any well drained potting soil from the store is fine. Try to stay away from the stuff that has a lot of peat moss in it. Those having a low percent peat is better. Media containing some sand and pearlite helps drainage. After repotting, drench the pot with water, then wait until hte media gets dry, maybe when the plant just starts to droop before the next watering. When watering, put enough water in to comeout the bottom drain holes that are in the pot. Don't let the plant sit in a saucer of standing water!