Balsam Plant
Your advice please.
ANSWER: Alfredo:
Using a magnifying glass, examine the spots closer. If there appears to be a grayish or whitish fuzzy or powdery growth in these spots, this may be powdery mildew, a fungus disease.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Hi, Dr Steve, thanks for great advice. If the fungi were powdery, they should be able to be rubbed away by hand? After I've sprayed the fungicide, the situation appears to worsen. Your advice pls.
The powdery mildew area should appear as fuzzy white or gray patches. The fuzz can be see easily w/o magnification, but a 10X hand lens is much clearer. The fungal filaments grow mostly superficial on the leaf surface, so rubbing may indeed remove some of the "fuzz" or press it down where it may not be as obvious. If you have just a few leaves with these "blotches", just hand remove and try to keep the leaves dry and if possible remove any dead leaves on the soil surfaces of the container.