The fern
My ferns are conditions like in the picture. Please explain and help me how to prevent.
Thanks and best regards
AnswerDear Le Khanh Nhan, Please forgive me for taking so long in answering your question, but I have been puzzling over your picture. Sometimes when I look at the picture, I think that I am looking at the formation of new plants which will sometimes sprout close to or even on the existing fern when the spots on the underside of fern fronds (sori) become mature. Unfortunately, after careful consideration, I think your ferns are infected. They probably feel a bit wet or slimy where these spots are forming. The first thing to do is to remove the growths as much as possible and reduce the watering, because fungus and bacteria grow more actively in wet areas. Once the plant is healthy again, new fronds will replace the old ones. I wish I was certain of the exact name of the disease, but there are several possibilities, including foliar nematode - in which the green spots will turn brown to black as they enlarge, rhizoctonia blight in which there should also be some webbing on the plant beginning to form. You may be able to control this growth with a fungicide spray SPECIFIC for FERNS: it MUST say ferns on the label to be able to use. Some examples of chemicals (see active ingredients on label) are Thiophanate methyl, fludioxonil, flutolanil, or chlorothanalonil. I apologize that I cannot be more specific. The most important thing to do is remove any growths as soon as you see them, keep the plant a little drier, and as a last resort you may have to discard the plant if these methods and spraying do not help. Also keep all your gardening equipment clean and perhaps disinfected with a little bleach water. (30% bleach should be plenty) I do hope this information helps you. Feel free to send me any additional photos, they may help with the diagnosis. Good luck to you, Melissa