Mango tree photo
I live in SW Florida. My mango tree seems to have more than one problem going on. The leaves and branches have turned black and the branches and leaves have little round bumps all over.
AnswerHi Michelle, Looks like sooty mold from white fly infestation. You probably have ants climbing around
on it too. You can correct this problem with Atomic Grow which increases the brix (sugar) in the tree and this in
turn makes the white fly go away. Bugs do not like sugar leaves. The black will eventually wash off or if you have nothing better to do some soapy water will wash it away. But until you correct the problem it will come back. Atomic Grow is organic and made from food. You will also have better fruit set as more sugar in the blooms brings in more bees and pollinators. Your fruit will be sweeter too and not using chemical poison your food will be safe to eat. It is great for all your plants. Kathy