Fuchsia Leaf
QUESTION: Hi Dr Steve,
Is there fungal infection on my fuchsia leaves? More and
more lower leaves seem to get affected.
ANSWER: Alfredo:
I do not recognize this spot as a fungus. It could be a bacterial issue. Does the yellow area precede the spot or does the spot form first then the yellow area around it?
I noticed the wet leaves in your photo. Moisture on the leaves can enhance many leaf diseases, especially those caused by bacteria. Best to water only the soil and encourage dry leaves. If only a few leaves have spots, hand remove those affected leaves, then keep leaves dry by watering from below and locating your plant where there is good air circulation.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
Fuchsia Leaf
QUESTION: Hi Dr. Steve,
The yellow area precedes the spot. Before I mist the plant,
the spot is already there. Attached is another image for your
clearer view.
I still would consider avoiding the mist on the foliage- just water the soil. Water may accumulate in the region of the leaf tips or valleys long enough to cause a problem. You may wish to remove those affected leaves, then try no mist for awhile to see if this reduces the spots.
Also you may wish to check the root system as with your other plants to be sure it is not root bound in the pot.