QuestionQUESTION: I live in southern Georgia, and my mulberry tree, which was planted last spring, has developed a white fungus looking growth only on the north side of the trunk and limbs. No other trees close around it show any signs of this material. It is still dormant for another few weeks so I don't know whether to rule out powdery mildew or not. Have you seen anything like this before? Do I need to use an antifungal spray or maybe a dish soap solution? What do I need to do to get rid of it? Please advise.
Thank you in advance.
Can you send me a closeup photo of this material? (Be sure it is in focus by reviewing it on your computer first. Take several photos and send the best). You may also wish to send a second photo taken further back away from the tree.
When did you first see this material? How would you describe its appearance? Does it appear to be causing any harm to the bark?
I'll have a look and let you know, because it may be just superficial.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
mulberry tree
mulberry tree 2
QUESTION: I only noticed it a couple weeks ago. From a distance it looks like a white moss or mold but close up it looks like small grains of rice. As far as causing harm , it's hard to say as yet with the tree still in the dormant stage. I don't know if these small bumps on the bark are caused by this or not.
I have attached a couple of pictures for you. Maybe they will help you determine what it is.
Thank you.
Thanks for your photos. They were a great help. These objects are insects. Looks like a type a scale insect. A dormant insecticidal oil, available at many home improvement stores and most any nursery. This oil must be applied/sprayed at temperatures below 90 F. Best applied during the dormant season. Check with your garden center/nursery for specifics.