Wrightia Religiosia
QUESTION: Hi Dr Steve,
Why are the young leaves turning black? Too much/too
little sunlight? This has happened for several times on the
young emerging leaves. How should I remedy the issue?
Please advise.
ANSWER: Alfredo:
This does not look like a bona fide infectious disease issue, but rather an injury, probably occurred when the leaf was just starting to emerge. Not sure what the source of the injury may be, but I would suspect some unfavorable environmental factor.
Things to think about;
Look for any insects along the leaf edges. Was the plant sprayed w/ anything about the time the leaf was emerging? Just a couple of things to think about.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Hi Dr Steve,
Thanks for your advice:) There were no insects along leaf
edges. I occasionally mist the plant with water in the noon
that's all. Could it be due to sun burn?
I wouldn't expect sun to damage the edge of the leaves, but in this business I have learned to never say "never". I usually see sunburn as irregular blotches on the blade. I suppose that drops of water from a misting could magnify the suns rays and focus them on the edge and cause damage. You may relocate plant to filtered sun rather than any direct sunlight and see how that works on new leaves.