buddha ctirus
question 1: i got a small buddha citrus (about 2 fts) a year ago, it has been doing well but about 3 months ago all the leaves were fallen off. i thought the plant die but it didn't, now i see some new leaves and immature fruits growing slowly. what can i do to save the tree? i lived in northen california, close to SF
question 2: i had a moth orchid for about 4 months now. it was blooming when it was given to me, i cut the stem (1/4 inch above the last 2 nodes) hoping it would bloom again, but since then there's no sign of blooming? my plant is looking healthy expect a bottom leaf turned yellow and dropped few days ago. am i doing something wrong?
please help. thank you.
#1 I suspect that the tree went through some period of stress, but it may be on the rebound now. Just watch it closely and try to avoid things like it getting too dry. Just make sure the soil is just moist, not too wet or too dry. That's all I'd do right now. Oh, also be sure that the stems are not injured as to create a wound on the trunk or stems.
#2 I think you are OK. Just let it get some growth on it. These plants often do not bloom too often as it is. The old blooms will wither and dry up. Just remove those brown ones. You can occasionally mist, but give it plenty of filtered sunlight- like a sunporch environment.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
i notice some branches of the tree seems like "dried out", should i cut them?
thank you
No rush on the pruning job. Give it a month or two, then you can carefully cut the dead stuff out. It is important not to remove the green portions. To determine this, use your fingernail and gently scratch the affected branches in a few places down the stems to remove the outer layer of bark. If you see green beneath the bark, don't cut that- just remove the stuff that is brown beneath.
Have fun and enjoy your plants--they are good medicine for the heart!