QUESTION: I have a house plant that has suddenly developed red spots on some of the newer leaves. They are not raised bumps. They do not go away when I spray with an insecticide. They seem to be spreading. What could this be? Will it spread to other plants? Should I get rid of the plant?
ANSWER: Jessica:
What is the name of the plant? I am afraid the photo is too fuzzy for me to tell you much. Can you retry? Review your image on your computer to be sure it is in focus before you send.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
Plant 2
QUESTION: I have tried to re-take a picture, but the red spots are so tiny, it is hard to get them to show up. If I move the camera further away to enahnce focus, you can't see the spots... It has started on newer growth, and is slowly moving to older growth. I do not know what the plant is...
AnswerHi Jessica:
This plant is a schefflera. I have one in my home also. From what I can see, these spots do not look like a disease nor insect. The spots look like they may be causing the leaves to yellow and possibly drop. Take a close look at the spots. Do they appear to be sunken into the leaf surface or are they raised up? If they are sunken, I expect the spots to be some type of injury that occurred. In that case review anything that may have been sprayed or come in contact w/ the leaves or even if the plant may have been in a different location where it may have had a change in light conditions or heat.
If the spots are raised, see if they can be removed by your fingernail. If so, this may be (but doubt)scale insects. I don't really think these are insects though.
Keep me posted.