Trunk of tree
QUESTION: I have a 44 year old dwarf Myer lemon tree that is in a clay pot. It gets full sun (Los Angeles area)and some sprinkler water about three times a week. When it gets really hot, we deep water. It produces fruit but the branches are getting thin and brittle. My main concern is that the bark suddenly started to split and peel. The rest of the tree seems fine. We did have some very hot and humid weather for about two weeks but otherwise things have been fairly normal.
This area of the trunk where the diameter of the tree changes is probably where the original graft was made. Be sure not to overwater. Allow water to drain easily out the bottom of the pot. Overwatering (ie wet soils for extended time)can lead to root rots.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Why is the bark splitting and peeling? Should I use some Copper spray to prevent fungus? Could this be from the tree being root bound?
AnswerLisa: The bark splitting may be due to the swelling of the trunk. Sometimes extended wetness may make the bark soft and pliable causing splitting. Just try to keep the trunk dry if possible. I don't think the copper stuff is called for at this point. Not aware of a root bound condition causing the splitting. If the plant has been in the container for some time, the roots may indeed be filling up the pot. You should be able to easy it out of the pot to determine. If it is pot bound, loosen roots, some pruning can help, then repot in larger container. Take a look at the roots to be sure they are white to cream colored and do not pull apart when "tugged on" lightly.