QUESTION: These critters have systematically killed the leaves one at a time as they made their way up the stalk. The sunflowers are between 6 and 8 feet tall (different varieties) The tallest has a large head on it which prior to opening followed the sun. Two days after opening it stopped and faces east all the time. No clue why although the ants are starting to be seen at the head.
If these insects are indeed ants, then they are on the plant for some other reason rather than to kill it. They are after something else- maybe another insect. Best to try to find out what that cause is. Look for other insects or reason there that are attracting the ants. Ants don't normally attack plants.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
Sunflower pests
QUESTION: Thank you very much, I took a closer look and remover one of the leaves to get a picture. My camera does not have macro so you may have to enlarge the picture. The brown insects on the spine of the leaf did not move until I prodded them into doing so. They looked more like worm castings until they began to move. They are triangular in shape widest at the head. The ants must be feeding on the plant juice the other things are releasing. I could not find anything similar on the net.
I am unable to see enough detail to make a guess. These may be the cause for the ants being there. You may consider collecting a few of these and carry them by your local nursery or garden center to see if you can get an ID and a recommendation. If it is a caterpillar type, then a spray product called DIPEL may be appropriate.