plum tree
QUESTION: I have 2 problems. 1 is my new dwarf plum tree which i have only had a couple of months. I thought it had green fly but now looks like a white powder on the underside of the leaf with the green fly within. I have attached a picture (1). 2 is my new dwarf apricot tree, again i have only had this a few months but from a different supplier. The leaf is turning at the edges in particular the new shoots and have some brown spots. Could you please provide guidance on cause and cure. Many thanks.
ANSWER: Hi Paul:
I am sorry, but your plum photo is quite a bit "fuzzy" and I cannot see any detail. Can you resend? Review your image on your computer first- to be sure it is in focus before sending.
A couple of questions;
Does this powder seem to be causing the leaves to discolor or drop or is the powder more of a cosmetic issue that makes the leaf just look unhealthy? Are the affected leaves on the upper or lower portions of the plant? Is the tree in the shade or sun?
In reference to the apricot, are the edges of the leaves browning? Are many leaves doing this on the tree. A photo sent separately can be helpful also. You may have to send a separate question since only one photo can be attached per email question.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
Apricot Tree
QUESTION: Re: Apricot Tree, The leaves are curling, nor browning at the edges but a lot of brown spots which turn into small holes. I would say about 30% of the leaves are affected. (Mainly new shoots). Pic Attached.
These spots may be bacteria in origin. This may be a disease called bacterial spot. Take a look at "Google Images" on the web and search for photos to match yours. Best to keep the leaves dry, since bacteria can spread by splashing water and infect new leaves. You may ask your garden center/nursery about trying a copper based fungicide. There are several types. Read the label to be sure it is OK on your plant. Also suggest a soil test to ID any potential nutrient imbalances. Your garden center can help you to get that done also.