pineapple guava
I live in Pinole, Ca (about 20 miles from San francisco). i purchased a pineapple guava (about 2 fts) from a nursery on march, it was been doing well and growing new leaves since i planted it in my backyard. but since last week, i noticed the tree start losing leaves (see picture circle area). the leaves that have fallen are green (no yellowing at all). I water it everyday with garden sprayer, didnt put any fertilizer and the area i planted it has sunlight. the weather here has been around 55-75F, except it was very hot 80-90F two weeks ago.
Please help me to save my tree. thank you very much for you time, i hope to hear from you soon.
ANSWER: Hi Min, As far as I can find the Feijoa - Pineapple Guava is pretty much pest free, in CA it may get a black scale problem, which could cause leaf drop. Even tho you are watering with a garden sprayer it still may not be getting enough water. I would rather you water less and deeper to make the roots grow. You could also try Atomic Grow, which is organic and can make the roots grow and the leaves, etc. It is organic and can even be used on house plants, orchids, etc. kathy
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QUESTION: kathy:
Thank you very much for your quick reply.
if watering is the problem, what is the way to water the guava tree? how often should i water and how do i check if i am watering enough?
I am using a soil call MicroGrow mixing with the existing clay soil. can i still using atomic grow then? where can i get it?
really appreciate your help.
ANSWER: Hi Min, the minimum plants should be watered is 3 1/2 inches per week. If you have a hill built up around your plant to hold the water, under the umbarella of the tree, fill it up and that is 3 1/2 inches. As the tree grows so will the mound around the tree still keeping it about 3 1/2 inches. kathy
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thank you again for your info. I just realized my husband put some fertilizer (about 3 spikes), then the tree start losing leaves? is the fertilizer good for the tree or it hurts the plant?
AnswerHi, Cheap old fertilizer spikes can hurt a tree, especially if you do not water as they suck the water from the plant. Always spend a little more and get a slow release so that does not happen. More water is needed if you use the spikes. They have salt and chlorine in them that causes the problem, it is used so they can lower the price, a cheap fill...kathy