QuestionQUESTION: I inherited a pachira aquatica 5' that sits in the enclosed back room, had it a year. Today I noticed sticky whitish sap like stuff seaping out from the underside of the leaves and at the tips. It's all over it. At first I thought it was some kind of bugs, but it is sticky and doesn't move. What is it?
ANSWER: Stephanie:
Can you send a photo of this whitish stuff? Try to get as close as you can to a leaf to make the shot. Review it on your computer first- to be sure it is in focus before sending. I am having trouble visualizing this material. Does the tree seem to be affected by this?
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QUESTION: Okay, I'll take a picture but won't be able to send it to you until Monday, going out of town this afternoon.
In answer to your question: The tree looks fine, mostly green leaves with a few dry ones here and there. Maybe I overwatered this week?
Any ideas? Thanks.
ANSWER: Thanks Stephanie. Next week will be fine. You may have to remind me about the sticky stuff when you send the photo- my memory isn't what it used to be! I believe this website will only allow one image per question- so give it your best shot!! If possible, lay a penny next to a leaf so I can have an idea about sizes.
Have a nice trip
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QUESTION: Here's a leaf photo
Thanks for the photo. This liquid does not look like anything related to a danger situation, but rather a plant exudate. Just keep an eye out for any definite spots or things like wilt . Let me know if you see any of those kinds of symptoms.Otherwise, give it some occasional TLC and I think it will be OK.
Thanks Again.