Mulberry tree
I have a several fruitless mulberry trees that are over 25 years. One of them I think has armillaria root rot. The tree in the last couple years seems to not be growing very much. I started noticing mushrooms under that tree and thought it was due to too much water. After reading some things on the internet I think I might have root rot because none of the other trees have these mushrooms. I water the same under all the trees. Some of the branches are dieing off and some leaves do get yellow. Can I get rid of this disease? Iread that you can use ammonium sulfate or chemical fumigants. I read in some ads that you have to cut the tree down and I really would hate that.
Please help
AnswerIf the tree has a root rot fungus it can be helped by fertilizing the tree with 10-10-10 fertilizer at the rate of 1 lb of fertilizer per inch of trunk diameter scattered around the tree and watered in good. Apply the fertilizer right before a good rain storm and you will not need to water. I would fertilize now and again in the fall after the leaves have fallen. this will encourage root growth which can over come the damage by the fungus. You will not get rid of the disease but can cause the roots to grow faster which will overcome the effects of the disease.