QuestionQUESTION: A good friend and I love Japanese Maples and both have many. He has discovered clusters of small 1/16" dia. orange growths spread across the bark of the larger branches of his Okagami. This has recently occurred and he is concerned that this could be some deadly disease and could kill the tree and more seriously infect other trees. Can you help with identifying this growth?
ANSWER: Dennis:
I don't think these objects are related to a disease- maybe a superficial saprophytic fungus. Can you take a closeup photo of these and send? Be sure to review your image on your computer first- to be sure it is in focus. Try to get as close as you can to take the shot.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
copy of Okogami maple
QUESTION: Second Picture.
After seeing the closeup you sent. You may consider carefully scraping a few of these apart and look for the possibility of an insect. Look for things underneath that may resemble an insect such as scales. You can show some of these to your local garden center/nursery to see if it is an insect. If it is scale, it should be spreading. There are several effective insecticides available.