orange tree trunk
QUESTION: I live in S. California. About two -three years ago, my established navel orange started to develop a roughened, black trunk. This has continued to progress, with the bark roughening more and sap flowing. At this time the bark is sloughing off. The upper branches are free of this. What could this be, and is there something that could be done?
ANSWER: Hi Paula, The thing that comes to me is over watering. It is rotting, no mulch around the tree, make sure water does not set around it. Stop watering for awhile. You could try Atomic Grow to bring it back to health along with decrease in water. Has it rained a lot? This will stop the sap from running. It looks pretty bad, but never give up. kathy
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
orange tree2
I don't water any of my established trees and rainfall in Los Angeles has been next to nothing. No standing water at any time. Leaves look good, although fruit seems to be a little small this year. As this condition has been going on a few years, I realize rot could have set in some time ago, although watering is the same. I have about 20 fruit trees, and this is the only only one with this problem.
Could Anything else be causing it?
AnswerHi Paula, I asked Jim who lived in California and is more familiar with your area. This is what he said about your tree. A scale like insect or bacteria manifesting in the sap of the tree. Or you could say the sap of the tree is infected. Over time this will kill the tree. Atomic Grow will easily repair this by spraying the bark and the leaves. kathy