Aloe pups
Hope all is well with you. I received two aloe vera pups (very slightly rooted) through the post - one a bit damaged. I potted them in houseplant compost but I haven't watered them in yet - some the roots looked a little unwell (rotted) and I removed them. Should I water them in and let them dry (as per drill :)), or shall I leave them for a couple of days? (I used some hormone rooting powder) Also, should I remove the damaged leaves, or shall I wait until they're better established?
Many thanks and best wishes,
ANSWER: Hi Ann, I am doing very fine, thanks for asking. You plant is over watered, not your fault, so I would just leave it as it is right now. In order for the rooting harmone to work you need to water it in, so that is kind of tricky. A product called atomic grow would make the roots grow, it is sprayed on. I have Thai crown of thorns, which I used it on, they are always falling over because of the poor root system, the roots grew so strong I could not believe it. So check out that product or water you aloe once to get the harmone working and not water again until it is completely dry. They take very little water. kathy
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
Thanks a lot for the quick reply and advice! I've given them a little water (now that I've already potted them I'm reluctant to take them out again) and we'll see what happens. Are there any signs to look for, or just wait and see that they don't get too unhappy? Shall I leave the damaged leaves on for the time being - is there a chance they might recover?
I also meant to ask you about a Dracaena plant - its leaves go yellow and dry and then fall, and so does any new growth. I repotted it a few weeks ago (thinking there may be something wrong with soil) but it hasn't helped. I've read about spraying it (to increase humidity) and also about taking it out of its pot, trimming the roots and repotting in something much smaller. What do you think?
Many thanks again,
AnswerHI Ann, Let the plant recoup and the ends may just dry up and fall off, if you cut if off it would have to heal again and maybe look worse. It should be fine as long as you back off the watering, it makes the plant rot, that is why it looks like it does, from too much water.
You may not be watering your dracaena plant enough. I found this excellent site for a guide to bring your plant back to health.. kathy