Cedar Nodules 1
QUESTION: My windbreak is all cedar trees that are over 50 feet tall, I was out checking my one apple tree yesterday and notice that one of my old girls has brown lumpy nodules on it. Is this normal? I have plenty of berries on the tree next to it. That tree has a few of the nodules on it. I don't want to let it spread if it is a disease. P.S. I've ordered fruit trees to be planted near this tree. I hope they are safe too.
Thank you for your time in this matter.
ANSWER: Terilyn:
These nodules are probably the older structures of a fungus disease called Cedar Apple Rust. We do not worry about the damage done(very little) to cedar, but more so what it does to apples. Google this disease to read more about it. Some apple varieties are more susceptible than others. It is a common practice to not plant these two trees too close together, since the fungus requires BOTH plants to survive and be a problem on apples. Apples are the only major tree fruit that is affected by the disease.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: I have two crab apples next to the apple tree. If I decide to remove the apple, will I also need to remove the crab apple trees?
Thanks again,
Terrilyn in Nebraska
Crabapple can develop cedar apple rust also. I do not know how sensitive your variety is to the disease. If you like this tree, I would just wait and watch to see if the disease does develop, then decide about removing. It boils down to a personal decision- "How much disease am I willing to tolerate or how much damage is it doing" or "Can I live with this much disease (if it develops)?