viburnum problem
QUESTION: We have a Pink Dawn Viburnum that we planted about 4 years ago. It is around 7 feet high and gets at least 6 hours of sun a day and has looked healthy until recently. First of all, since we've had it it has never produced a single flower, and now we have noticed reddish-rusty colored spots all over the leaves. I have looked on the Internet to try to identify this but haven't seen anything similar. I hope it is not dying as it is quite a full looking bush. I could send more images if you need to see them. Could you tell us what we could do for this problem?
Thank you.
ANSWER: Michelle:
Since many leaf spots can look alike, it would be advisable to have someone look at an actual leaf if you are curious to know. You can collect a few leaves and carry by a local garden center/nursery and see if they can ID the spot so as to suggest a possible remedy- like a spray of sorts. To me, some of the spots in your photo look like maybe holes and some transparent blotches that have been chewed out- this may be a bug rather than a disease. Someone at the garden center should be able to suggest an appropriate insecticide or fungicide once they ID the cause of the spot. It is always a good idea to rake up and destroy the fallen leaves on the ground beneath the shrub before new growth starts in the spring. Some insects and disease organisms can spend the winter on these old dead leaves and then be ready to start all over again in the spring. A bit of "cleanup" can help a lot.
Hope this information helps you solve your problem. Thanks for your inquiry!
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
Thanks for your response, we will take samples to a garden center. I had also mentioned that in the 4 years we have had the viburnum it has never produced a single flower, which has been very disappointing. One reason why we planted it in the location it's in was because we wanted some color there. Would you have any idea as to why it has never flowered?
I don't think there is a insect/disease issue with your flowering question. There is a possibility that the flower buds may not be as cold hardy as the plant is in your zone, thus the cold temps may prevent a flowering. This would be another good question for the folks at your garden center as well.
Hope this helps