Figue tree and floweri
Figue tree
Good morning, our 2y old figue tree and a few flowering mapples have been sharing a container/pot for the last 6 months. All are slowly degrading, showing signs that I don't know how to interpret (see photos) and loosing leaves with an important turn over. Could you please help us understanding what's happening and how to remediate ? With thanks for your time and best regards.
The brown areas at the leaf edges are a common symptom of an unfavorable root/soil related environment. These symptoms do not appear as an infectious/pathological problem. Things like water or nutrient imbalances (too much/not enough)and root bound conditions may contribute. Consider checking the roots for signs of decay and compactness.
When you water, allow water to flow freely out the bottom of the pot to flush out the soil good, then leave it alone until plants start to show thirst signs, then repeat. This will help prevent root rot and fertilizer burn.