QuestionQUESTION: 15 year old tree leaves are turning yellow and some brown with veins turning black. Tree is shedding leaves now. Live in Michigan and have this tree in my front yard. Nothing has changed around the tree this summer, but it has been a dry summer! I am concerned about loosing this beautiful tree. What can I do?
ANSWER: Vicky:
One of my favorite trees too! They are quite plentiful here in Arkansas. I know, at least here in this state that they will drop their leaves if they have got thirsty. You may have to supplement water. Garden hose is fine- let water trickle for a few hrs at various spots under the drip line- that is move the hose around every few hrs. Also, be sure there is no damage that you can see on the main trunk, especially the upper 4-5 ft above the soil line. One of the worse things that you can do as a tree caregiver is wound the tree on the trunk with things like stringtrimmers and lawnmowers. This is usually a death sentence.
You might want to consider having a soil test done to see if you need any fertilizer. Contact your local county Extension office- probably associated with Mich. State.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: What do I do IF I find damage to the trunk? Can you ban aid a tree? Do I add some kind of tree ointment? Thanks again
Unfortunately, no band-aid available. Those pruning paints that are sold to brush or spray on a pruning wound make you feel good, but that is all. If the tree is growing vigorously (with the help of water and fertilizer) it can do alot to help heal itself if there has been injury to the bark. Overall- just minimize stress factors like avoiding any injury to the stem/trunk and roots plus avoiding water stress.
If you like, you can send along a digital photo if you see anything suspicious. If you decide to send one, be sure to review it on your computer first- to be sure it is in focus.