Weeping Cherry tree
QUESTION: I have attached pictures of my kwanzan cherry and weeping cherry. I don't know what's wrong with them and wish to know how to treat them. Please help, I live in Macedon,NY.
The resin flow that I see in the photo results from a wound in the wood-often from an insect such as a borer. Sometimes freeze injury causes the bark to split and resin flow results- but yopur photo looks like an insect is behind this one. Getting an insecticide to the insect after it gets into the tree is the challenge. You might consider visiting with a reputable nursery in your area for their advise or your local county Extension office in the county seat.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
Kwanzan Cherry
Thanks for the information so far. But what is the white scale from? An insect as well and what insecticide do you think will treat it?
Scale insects make their living by sucking out plant juices. They can be important on many fruit trees, especially in larger numbers. Check with a reputable garden center in your area for recommendations such as a dormant oil (used in fall or winter when temperatures are no higher than 80 degrees).Dormant oil can injure leaves if applied in hot weather. There are other materials useful for scale also. Check in with a garden center.