Leaf spots
QUESTION: Hello, I found some strange spots on the underside of the leaves on my
Arizona Sweet Orange Tree. They are Blackish Brown in color. The spots are
only found on some of the leaves. I attached a picture as to better show the
spots. Do you have any idea what they could be and how I can get rid of
them if they are harmful to the tree?
Thank you very much for your time.
ANSWER: Hi Katie, you can also use Pure Neem Oil for your plants, it will correct The scab problem you have on your citrus. You can also use the product below, but I prefer the Neem. It does not kill anything but alters the taste so the bugs go elsewhere and does not wash off. kathy
Citrus Scab
Citrus scab is characterized by a large number of small raised marks or scab on the fruit. The leaves can also show similar brown, scale and scab like lesions. In cases of significant infection, the fruit will not develop normally and the tree will undergo early leaf drop. The scab is caused by a fungus that attacks the surfaces of the fruit and leaves. It is encouraged by damp conditions caused by a wet spring period or the use of over-head irrigation and sprinklers.
To control citrus scab, spray the tree with Captan Fungicide. The Captan fungicide should be applied in the late winter before the new spring growth starts and a second spray application should be applied shortly after the petals have dropped from the fruit blossoms. To help reduce the spread and growth of Citrus scab never use a water sprinkler on a citrus tree. When watering a citrus tree, always use a soaker (or drip) hose on the ground near the tree抯 dripline
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Thank you for your time and info... Where may I get the oil for my tree and how
do I apply it?
AnswerHi Katie, You can check around your local nurseries, or google on the web for a good price.
Pure Neem Oil by Dyna Gro only, as some products with Neem have poison in them. You just mix with water, Neem and squeeze in some dish detergent with NO antibacateria in it. kathy