Newer growth with stic
QUESTION: I have a Huge Yucca with so many problems. It alls started when we moved house about 3 years ago. The plant was in the moving van in winter for 5 days. When it arrived, we probably didn't put it close enough to the window, and it quickly lost about 1/2 foot of lower leaves. Since then, it goes through a death cycle every 6 months or so. The plant is almost 6ft tall, but only has greenery at the top. Add to this the fact that it is infested with scales and who knows what else. I've rinsed the leaves and wiped them with soapy water, but it doesn't seem to help and the leaves are covered in a sticky dusky film. The scales cover some leaves but not all but they are deep into the crevice where the leave joins the stem, so I can't get at them. The film is also on the new growth and covers the leaves and crevice too, so it is hard to get into the cracks. The leaves yellow from the tips and edges and then curl in on themselves. At this point, I'm thinking of chopping the top off the two branches and trying to start again, but how do I know where to cut? I don't want to just bring the problems into the new plants. i think the plant is suffering from a number of problems, but I don't know how to fix it. Please help.
ANSWER: HI Alisa, Yes you can cut back your yucca and it will send out new branches. All you have to do is decide how short you want to make your plant and cut it off.
I would use Pure Neem Oil from Dyna Grow as it is organic and will not hurt spraying in your home or outside. It will absorb into the leaves and give protection from all kinds of pests. It is also a fungicide and miticide. Once applied all you have to do is spray the new growth if there is a problem. Spray the soil around the pot also to keep bugs from crawling up on the plant. It sounds like you do have a few problems, thats why I love Neem Oil as it corrects them all. Happy Gardening kathy
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Hi. Thanks for your answer. One tiny follow up. You said if I cut the plant it will send out new sprouts. I had been thinking of doing it the other way around, namely tossing lower bits and re-planting the top bits that I cut off. I thought this because a) I didn't know it would sprout new growth and b) I was afraid I might have a problem stemming from lower down (root rot maybe or something in the stem, although the trunk isn't soft). Is it possible to plant the cuttings or is that a bad idea given all the problems?
AnswerHi Alissa, you could lay the plant side ways in the soil and it would send up shoots. Just do not give it allot of water. Where you cut it on the plant will also send up side shoots. Yucca is a very tough plant. My son cut some off an older plant and threw it in an old pile. He came up today and said it must be sending up 60 new plants. So you could do the same thing in a pot maybe water once when you plant it and maybe every other week if it is dry...kathy