QUESTION: photos for earlier email
ANSWER: Hi there. Looks like some kind of cottony scale.
A group of soft scales that lays its eggs under a covering of white cotton-like material. These are the cottony scales. While the young scales are small, brown, and difficult to see, their egg sacs are large, white, and conspicuous.
Hope this helps,Bill
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Bill, This problem started recently. About 4 weeks ago & also 2 weeks ago Scott's sprayed my grass for Chinch bugs that were infested and doing great lawn damage. IS IT POSSIBLE THAT THE CHINCH BUGS WENT INTO THE TREES AND LAID EGGS? WE DID FIND 5 CHINCH ADULT BUGS IN THE TWO MAGNOLIAS IN QUESTION.
AnswerHi there. Anything is possible. Here is the life cycle of cinch bugs.
The adult chinch bug spends the winter congregated under trees and shrubs and on the edges of lawns under hedges and in flower beds. As the temperatures become warmer in the spring, the adults move into the lawn and begin depositing eggs. As many as 20 eggs per female may be laid during May and June. The eggs take about 20-30 days to hatch at temperatures below 70 degrees F but can hatch in as little as a week when above 80 degrees F.
I think it's a little late for the eggs to be hatching.
If your problem isn't Scale or Aphids,you have me stumped. Maybe a trip to your Ag dept. is in order. Sorry I can't be of more help. Thanks,Bill.
P.S. Let me know if you identify this problem,Thanks