QuestionI have a few 100 Aloe Vera plants in my farm in India. Recently I find the leaves are infected with black spotting and plants are withering. Please tell me the remidy so that I could save my Aloe plants
Dereck Fernandes
AnswerThe plants may be affected by a bacterial disease. I would treat the plants with a copper containing fungicide. I do not know what you have in India by way of products, but anything with copper hydroxide or copper sulfate as the active ingredient will work. Mix according to label instructions and spray until runoff. Do not add a surfactant as that could burn the leaves if they are in the sun. If they are in the shade you can add the surfactant. Re-treat in 7-10 days and maybe even one more time in another 7-10 days. The plants may be getting too much water which could be causing the bacteria disease. I wish you good luck.