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Curling leaves and dying trees

I planted a lovely crab apple tree and fuchsia in my back garden and they were thriving for a few months until my partner planted two new lilacs and two rose bushes near them.  Now all of them hmqappear to be suffering leaf curl and the crap apple had black spots on the fruit and looks pretty dead.  Any idea what it could be or what to do?  Thanks so much!

Being that there are several plant species involved, I would think there are a couple of problems.  The crab apple with black spots may be scab, which is a fungal disease.  This problem can be treated with a fungicide, although it is probably too late to do so this year.  Nexy year you can begin treating the tree at first bud break and spray several times until fruit are set and almost mature in size.  Your local garden center can suggest products.  You can also use Maneb or Daconil fungicide if they have no specific product to recommend.

As far as the curling leaves on the other plants, I would suspect insect problems such as aphids or scale.  Check the lower leaf surfaces for bugs.  Aphids will be soft bodied and varied in color from green to red and will move when disturbed.  Scale will look like shields or oval structures closely appressed to the stem surface usually.  They can be scraped off with your fingernail.  If you find either of these the plants can most easily be treated with Bayer Advanced Tree and Shrub Insecticide which is mixed with water and poured on the soil around the base of each plant.  The label will instruct you as to how much to mix and how much to pour on each plant.  This product is systemic and is taken up by the roots and is good stuff.  It has a long residual to prevent reinfestation.

I hope this has helped solve the problems with your plants.  Good Luck.

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