QuestionWe planted two flowering dogwood trees this spring and they had been doing real good, we hav noticed now that their leaves are wilty we do not know what happened, just all of a sudden they are wilting. can you help.
thanks Donna
AnswerSounds like planting shock. Dogwoods like semi shade and if planted in the sun they sometimes will wilt. Newly planted trees should be watered every third day with 1 inch of water--place pan under the tree and turn the sprinkler on and when the pan has 1 inch of water in it stop. Do this if it does not rain. I would water this method through the growing season this year. If you have not done so mulch around the tree with not more than 3 inches of organic mulch not piled up on the trunk. Pine straw is good. This will help hold moisture. I assume it was planted properly--hole dug twice the size of the rootballl and filled with good top soil-burlap and wire taken off the roots before it was planted--root not allowed to dry out before the tree was planted and watered when it was planted.