QuestionQUESTION: We live near the beach and have several sagos, some appear to be healthy and others have leaf problems. The edges of the lower leaves are yellow and when new leaves come out, they almost immediately turn yellow, too. What can I do to save these sagos?
ANSWER: Hi Di.....brown or yellow leaf spots is a fungi which usually develops when water is allowed to remain on the leaves. If you are using an above ground sprinkler this could cause the problem. Water in the a.m. so the sun can dry off the plants rather than in the evening. You could also switch to a drip system...
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: That cannot be the reason. We do not water the plants often and it has not rained any time within recent memory. Is there some other issue that could be causing their yellowing? This has been going on for months now.
AnswerHi Di.. other reasons of leaves turning yellow
OLD LEAVES MAY TURN YELLOW from over watering or too much fertilizer.
NEW LEAVES MAY TURN YELLOW from excess fertilizer or poor soil conditions.
Note: Once leaves turn yellow or brown, they should be removed from the plant.