QuestionI work for an individual and we have been planting white pines that are to big to be transplanted in my opinion. After planting theses trees thinning occurs within one year. I believe cutting off so many of the vital roots puts to much stress on the tree. Is there anything that I can do to promote root growth and to thicken these trees up?
Southern Indiana
AnswerWithout knowing the actual size of the tree and how they are being cultured and then transplanted, it is hard to say. Your first comment about being too large to transplant may be correct. If that is the case, there is not much you can do about it at this time. Trees need to planted at the right stage of growth to perform their best. I dont know of any enhancement treatment that would work for trees. They sell root stimulator for shrubs that may help, but each tree must be treated individually. Hope this info helps.