QuestionI think I have some sort of soil disease in a section of my garden. I had a Walking Iris planted and it just fell over and died after a few weeks. I planted a new one and it is doing the same thing. I looked at the bottom of the plant and there is white fuzzy mold/fungus growing. When I pull up the leave that have fallen over and smell them they smell like fungus. I also have a grounf orchid growing near this location in the garden that is doing poorly also. Is the soil all bad? Is there something that I can put down to treat this area?
AnswerHey,Angie How r u? It sounds like your plants r getting some form of root rot(fungus) due to excess water n or drainage problems.There may also be a ph problem 2 high 2 low etc.Try a product called Rhizo fuel which u can get at a website This product is the home owner product of what us Arborists use in the world!This product will help with drainage n promote strong soil n help ph!u can buy the deluxe kit with a root bar 4 79.99 or just the rhizo fuel 4 like 13.99/24.99 just read label n mix with water n reapply in 2 weeks n u should start seeing the soil u r looking 4!!!